The “THEME OF THE WEEK” is: “The Swing”. The intention is, that you will concentrate and practice this particular element during your bowling this week.
For many bowlers the backswing is overdone. It’s another one of those counterintuitive elements that works against you. Such is the complexity of this Sport.
The big backswing rotates the left shoulder forward and takes you off of your alignment square to the delivery line. The backswing should be no more than 1′ behind your knee and less is best.
All of the accuracy of the shot comes from the knee forward. That’s when you fine tune your muscle control to send the bowl to target. Don’t overcompensate the short backswing with a flip-up to try for more velocity. It can be easily accomplished with forward body movement through the delivery and a little faster tempo.
Of course, if you’re lobbing (releasing the bowl too high and too late), driving the bowl into the green (releasing the bowl to early by not having your wrist rotated up), or taking too big of a step, these actions will negate any improvement in shortened backswing length.
Work on one element of your game at a time, until you master it.
The improvement that I see in players, that are willing to put in some time and concentrated effort, to improve their game, is truly rewarding as a Coach.