Wow! Well that went really well. Given that last year was very successful, we weren’t sure what to expect this time around. Fourteen teams signed up and $3,000 was raised for Our Place – that is almost $700 more than last year.

On behalf of Gill L., Gill H. Kathryn and myself thank you so much to everyone involved with helping with the organizing and running of this tournament.
Deryk, thank you as always for your computer expertise.

Thanks to Sharron, Barb H and Kenn for helping to set up, to Bev, Margot, Carly and Wilnae for an incredible job in the kitchen.
I would especially like to thank everyone who contributed goodies. We had so many that after enjoying them as snacks throughout the day, we were able to package up plates for prizes and to sell at the end of the day, further boosting our total donation.

After having paid an entry fee and making a donation, players went out onto the greens and continued to buy Shields. We did a roaring trade reselling surrendered (used) shields. Your generosity was truly incredible.
Many thanks to Gill Lightbody who thought to approach local businesses for gift cards that could be used as prizes. Country Grocer came through with 3 x $25 gift cards for the first place winners.
And the winners were:
In third place: Larry M., Marie and Bruce.
In second place: Anita/Don, Joe, Gill H/Lesley
In first place: Kevin, Larry S.,/Kathryn W., Pat

Lake Hill has a reputation of being a friendly and welcoming club. It is also an incredibly generous and community spirited club. Thank you all for your very generous support of Our Place