Well, that went well On behalf of Gill, Kathryn and myself thank you so much to everyone involved with helping with the organizing and running of this tournament. Deryk, thank you as always for your computer expertise, and Bill thank you for setting up the greens – again! Thanks Chris for marking the centre lines and Shaen for all the time you spend watering and rolling the green.
I would especially like to thank Margot and her new recruits, Bev and Charlotte who did an incredible job in the kitchen. This was Bev and Charlotte’s first time doing refreshments for a tournament and they were simply terrific!! Thank you, too, to those of you who brought in goodies. The refreshment table looked amazing. Thanks to Shirley who brought in jams and relish to sell, to Jag for his box of apples and pears and to London for making bracelets and keychains.
The biggest thank you of all must go to all you who donated so incredibly generously to Our Place. The total so far is $2,171 with the possibility of a few more donations yet to come. I had no idea what to expect – but it wasn’t anything like that much!
I was asked today if anyone actually used one of the “Replay End:” Shields. The answer is, yes they most certainly did!! And I think it is fair to say it helped Kevin and his team of Jacquelin and John di T. to win a tight game against Ian and his team. I was lucky enough to be standing close by at the time and witnessed Kevin produce his Shield with a great deal of flair and flourish!! By lunch time we had sold out of the “Bowl an extra Bowl” Shields and had to collect up the used ones for resale. They too had a dramatic effect on the outcome of some games – all of which added to the fun of the day (well, at least for the owners of the Shields!!).
I am hoping to deliver the proceeds of the tournament to Steven Seltzer of Our Place later this week. If anyone still wishes to make a donation or has, in fact already promised a donation, could you please make arrangements to leave it at the club by Wednesday evening. I will be there for the Residents BBQ and Fun Bowl.
We often hear what a wonderful membership we have at Lake Hill but on this occasion I think you all Hit it Out of the Park!! Thank you for making it such a success and for caring so deeply about the needy and homeless of Victoria.
Sue, Kathryn and Gill.