Hello everyone. The 2 open houses were very successful – 58 people came through to try their hand at both outdoor and short mat bowling and of those, 31 have signed up for lessons and 2 more are intending to when they return to Victoria at the end of June.

Thank you to everyone who came out to volunteer and help and there were a lot of you!
Special thanks to the Promotions and Publicity Committee : Liama, Heather, Ralph and Shona – what a smashing job you all did on organizing and promoting the events. There were several unsolicited comments from participants saying how much they enjoyed their time at the club. So, thank you!!
Thank you to Kathryn B. and Chris and all of the coaches for doing a tremendous job of making the trial bowling fun and something that approximately 60% of the folks attending want to get involved in! The weather was pretty chilly both days and yet you stuck it out!
Thank you to the kitchen crew both days: Leslie S., Bev, Sandy, Margo and Ann. The refreshments were appreciated by everyone!

Thanks to Jenny for welcoming each person as they came in and pointing them in the right direction and to Gill H. for addressing all membership inquiries.
Thanks to everyone who got there early and set everything up inside and outside.

And an added bonus was the wonderfully infectious enthusiasm of Shona! I hope I haven’t missed anyone – I am truly grateful to every single one of you who helped make the open houses a success. This is an amazing club!
Thank you all!